Monday, June 8, 2009

One Woman's Answer to Catcalls

I was walking down the street in downtown Washington, D.C., chugging on a bottle of Perrier. A bike messenger leaning up against a tree says, "Can I have some . . ." with a wink and a leer. I say, "Sure" and splash the Perrier in his face. Two African-American men walking toward me see this and, laughing, say, "Way to go, sister!" I start laughing and so does the bike messenger. We all laughed be cause my response was so appropriate to his request. I felt good about fighting street harassment that day, and I got community support from other people.(Theresa, 2001)

From: Racial Intervention Story Exchange (RISE)

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What is Men Standing Up?

Moving to End Sexual Assault's Men's Prevention Education program in Boulder, Colorado is dedicated to raising awareness about rape prevention. Studies show that that men and boys hear a message about ending sexual violence better from other males, making men’s involvement crucial in creating lasting social change.